Exploring Fascia
BundleThis 5-part series is designed to advance the therapist’s understanding of the structure and function of the fascial system and the consequences associated with injury and dysfunction. Instructor: Cathy Ryan, RMT (6 courses, 5 CEUs)
Forgiveness - Beyond the Sentiment and Into the Grit
CourseForgiveness is one of the most important and difficult things we can do in our relationships. In this workshop, you will learn what forgiveness truly is, as well as practical steps to move towards forgiveness.
Hands of Hospice
CourseCompetent, Compassionate, Clinical Massage Therapy for Hospice
Healthier Relationships Bundle
BundleThis bundle contains all three parts of Jenn Brandel's Tools for Healthier Relationships series. Access 15 tools to strengthen all your relationships.
Hospital-Based Massage Therapy
BundleThis bundle covers some essential preliminary knowledge for working in a hospital setting.
Hospital-Based Pediatric Massage
BundleIn a series of six online classes, Healwell teams up with experts in pediatric care to bring you in depth information on pediatric pathologies, treatments, and end of life issues. (6 courses, 10 CEUs)