This is a live, four-day class in Children's National Medical Center. Instructors, Laura Bryant-Earner and Cal Cates will focus on leading students in direct, hands-on patient care with populations throughout the hospital including cardiac ICU, pediatric ICU, hematology/oncology, neurology and heart/kidney units.
Each day will begin and end with time spent exploring ethical issues that are common in and unique to the clinical setting. We will also discuss patient cases and address questions related to body mechanics, patient communication and work flow.
These four days will be spent developing and honing skills in interprofessional communication, charting in the electronic medical record, and treatment planning. Students will have homework each night in the form of reading, self-assessment and reflection exercises. Time will also be spent discussing the logistics of creating a hospital-based clinical pediatric massage therapy program.
PLEASE NOTE: Attendance at all six of the Hospital-Based Pediatric Massage Webinars is required for acceptance into our Pediatric Massage in the Clinical Setting course.